Plugin provides a simple interface for linking staff to their appointable products and also managing staff availability across all products. Staff can also log into their account and manage their profile, products and appointments, without interfering with other staff profiles and overall store setup.
Adding a New Staff Member
Staff can be viewed and added via the default Users menu in your admin dashboard. Once there you’ll see a list of all users that can be filtered by their role. Staff members are assigned a Shop Staff role.
Click the Add New button above the list to add new shop staff.
The staff should be given a username they will recognize, and you should also edit the staff details, like First, Last and Display Name. While editing you’ll also notice a ‘Custom Availability’ section at the bottom of staff editing screen, which is very similar to that on individual products. This is useful if you want to manage Days Off or assign any special work schedule for the staff. Staff can also sync to their own Google Calendar and manage assigned products from their own profile.
Linking Staff to a Product
Once the staff has been added, you can link the staff to some appointable products. Edit an appointable product and then go to the Staff tab. They can also assign/remove themselves from appointable products from their profile edit screen.