Theme comes packed with booking and payment functionality for your car fleet. Not only are you able to accept payments via PayPal, you also have the options to manage emails sent to customers, change the booking status and much more. Browse through Subtopics for more details.
Day range
This feature is available so you can set different prices when customer books a car for a longer time period. For instance, you want to have higher prices for 1 day rental and lower prices for 2 or more days. In this case, first Add a price for 1 day rental and pick ‘1 day – 365 day’ as Day Range, this will cover all days in a year. Now add another price and pick ‘2 day – 3 day’ as Day Range. Pricing calculations always picks the lower price, so if customer would book 5 days in example above, calculations would take price set for ‘2 day – 3 day’.
Seasonal pricing
If you want to set up seasonal pricing don’t delete the regular pricing for the same car type. Add new price and pick a custom seasonal date range for the same car type. When you have set both, regular and seasonal price, customers that book a car in seasonal date interval, will get a different price for the same car type.
2. Edit vehicle and apply pricing: