You can easily export your catalog of appointments to a CSV file using the Appointment Export functionality. You can filter the exported appointments with various options and can also choose which columns should be added to a generated .csv.
Export Access
Exporting feature is available to all users that have ‘export’ capability assigned to their user role. By default, only admin can export appointments, but you can add this functionality to your staff or other users by adding the capability to their role.
- Go to WooCommerce > Appointments screen.
- Select ‘Export’ next to the ‘Add New’ button and the Export screen will display.
Export Screen
1/ Select which columns to export or leave empty if you want to export all columns that are available.
2/ Select the start date from which you want the appointments to be exported. Leave empty if you want to export only future appointments from the current date. Date must be in YY-MM-DD format.
3/ Select the end date to which you want the appointments to be exported. Leave empty if you want to export all future appointments with no end date limitation. Date must be in YY-MM-DD format.
4/ Select the products for which you want to export the appointments. Only appointments belonging to the selected products will be exported. Leave empty if you want to export appointments for all products.
5/ Select the staff for which you want to export the appointments. Only appointments assigned to the selected staff will be exported. Leave empty if you want to export appointments for all staff.
6/ Tick the box to Export add-on fields, if you also want to export all customer fields that customer has selected for the appointment.
7/ Select Generate CSV and wait for the export to finish.
8/ Download the exported file and exit the exporter.