We’re proud to announce WooCommerce Appointments 2.0 is now live. It’s the biggest update so far and brings a lot of new features and improved functionality. A lot of templates have been restructured, so make sure you check the template files, if you have customized them with your theme – email templates are of main concern here.
Assign Multiple Staff to Single Appointment
Previously, you could only assign single staff / provider to each appointment. Now, you can assign multiple staff members at once. This is great when you are hosting group sessions, where multiple staff is present. All assigned staff availability is global, which means that they won’t be available for any other session at that time. It also works perfectly for guided tours and events, where a group of hosts is usually present.
Add Duration with Add-ons
You can now assign duration in either minutes or days. This functionality is extremely useful, since you can extend appointment duration for multiple days and use add-ons as duration indicator. You can now use add-ons to extend duration over a single day.
New Padding Time
Padding time is very important, when you need additional time to prepare for next appointment. This functionality has been simplified and improved on every level. Padding time is now calculated into your existing / already booked appointments, so you are never in a hurry for your next appointment. You will never get caught off guard and will always be prepared for your next session with your customer.
New Translations: Bonjour!
Besides new French translation being added, all other translations have been heavily updated and checked for linguistic errors. If you want to contribute your own translation, send it over and award awaits you.
Product and Staff Capacity
Capacity is now taken from Product level only, so there are no duplicates and over-scheduled appointments are thing of the past. For instance, even when you have multiple staff assigned for appointment, where capacity is set to 10 – only 10 bookings will be allowed and not 10 bookings for each staff member.
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