I am working on changing the credits area in Bizznis.
I have created a new action and functions in my child theme. In this way I can modify.
This is the code I have there:
add_action( 'bizznis_footer_inner', 'bizznis_custom_credits' ); function bizznis_custom_credits() { # Build the text strings. Includes shortcodes $backtotop_text = '[footer_backtotop]'; $creds_text = sprintf( 'Copyright' ); # Filter the text strings $backtotop_text = apply_filters( 'bizznis_footer_backtotop_text', $backtotop_text ); $creds_text = apply_filters( 'bizznis_footer_creds_text', $creds_text ); $output = sprintf( '
', bizznis_attr( 'footer-creds' ) ); $output .= sprintf( ''; echo apply_filters( 'bizznis_footer_output', $output, $backtotop_text, $creds_text ); } But now I have two credits in on my websiteSee here: http://www.weydelandkaas.nl password:weydeland777. How do I unregister the first credits area?', bizznis_attr( 'footer-creds-container', array( 'class' => 'wrap' ) ) ); $output .= ' ' . $creds_text . ' '; $output .= ''; $output .= 'You need to remove original action, before you add your own, so add this code before your own:
remove_action( 'bizznis_footer_inner', 'bizznis_footer_credits' );
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