How can I remove the mobile friendly menu in the theme? I am going to use another one.
This is what I have now in my child theme functions.php:
//* Remove menu toggle on mobile devices
remove_action ('bizznis_header_bottom','bizznis_toggle_open_text');What am I doing wrong?
No, add this:
remove_filter( 'nav_primary_before', 'bizznis_mobile_right', 10, 2 );
You also need to remove the mobile menu CSS styling from your child theme’s style.css file.
Ok. Thanks.
I see you have an overview of the action hooks and filter hook definitions in there. But I missed the bizznis_mobile_right.
Will you update these filters more?
What are the 10 and the 2 about?
The filter in this case is ‘nav_primary_before’, which is documented.
10 is a filter importance (10 is default and neutral). If you would hook another function to this filter with 9, it would be taken instead.
2 is a number of accepted arguments for the hooked function. In this case, there are 2 arguments hooked in, first one is $menu and second one is $args.
I hope it’s more clear now, do let me know if you need more guidance.
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